Jams, juices and concentrates

Introducing a select range of unusual juices, concentrates and jams from around the world. We're distributors of Casa Madeira, 100% pure grape juice from Brazilian wine country. Unsweetened yet bursting with fruit flavour, it's ideal as an antioxidant-packed breakfast drink or a non-alcoholic beverage at cocktail hour. We also import Hafi, distinctive wild berry jams and concentrates that speak of the untouched meadows and forests of northern Sweden. There, the long hours of Arctic summer sunlight impart the unique flavour found in Hafi’s celebrated elderflower and lingonberry products.

Casa Madeira Grape Juice 250ml
Casa Madeira 100% Grape Juice 250ml
Casa Madeira grape juice 1L
Casa Madeira 100% Grape Juice 1L
Hafi Elderflower Drink
Hafi Lingonberry Drink
Hafi Organic Jam Lingonberry


Casa Madeira is a a gourmet line of grape products, produced in the cool, hilly climes of southern Brazilian wine country. Whether for breakfast or an afternoon pick-me-up, these fine products don’t just provide antioxidants, they celebrate life’s deliciousness through the love of naturally grown fruit. Hafi elderberry and lingonberry concentrates are timeless Swedish favourites, used in marinades, dipping sauces, and – of course – cocktails. Add a professional splash of colour to your dessert plates with a swoosh of lingonberry jam.


Elderflowers have a long tradition in herbal medicine of being used as diuretics, to reduce inflammation and diabetic symptoms. They are also used in the treatment of colds and flu.

Lingonberries contain a spectrum of beneficial properties like flavonoids, polyphenolic acids, anthocyanins and procyanidins.

Lingonberries contain organic acids, vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3 and C), potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous.

Grape juice is a source of nutrients including vitamin C, essential for immune function and good for skin health.

Grape juice also contains manganese, a mineral essential to bone formation and the production of certain neurotransmitters in the brain.


The grape juices, jams and balsamics of Casa Madeira are grown in the Vale dos Vinhedas, also known as Brazilian wine country. It was here that Brazilian immigrants first settled in the 1800s to plant their vineyards, wheat and corn. The origins of Casa Madeira – which translates to ‘wooden house’ – date back to a stone cellar and wooden cottage built by its founder in 1926. Casa Madeira grape juice is brimful with antioxidants and free from sugar, preservatives or other additives.

The very first Hafi products were made in 1938 by Karl Dellgrens, his two youngest children, and his son-in-law. With its commitment to perfectly balanced jellies, the company quickly became a household name. To this day, run by the founder’s great-grandchildren, Hafi still ensures that every berry is hand-picked. They produce a wide range of wildcrafted jams, marmalades, chutneys, still drinks and Swedish Glögg for customers all over the world.