Viking Organic frozen fruit for adventurous all-day cooking
Our Viking Organic berries, cherries and mango chunks are sourced from trusted suppliers around the world, and individually quick-frozen for perfect servings each time. We’ve searched long and hard to find top suppliers who have a network of growers and pickers, who farm here sustainably and in harmony with nature. Viking Organic berries, cherries and mango chunks are high in antioxidants, and have the most intense flavours you’ll encounter.
Thanks to its versatility and health factor, frozen fruit has become a household staple. Add a half cup of berries or mango chunks to your morning smoothie, yoghurt cup or honey porridge for a fast, nutritious breakfast. Or skip the milk and have a smoothie bowl – denser and even more delightful. Throw in a cup of berries to any chocolate cake, pancake mix or crumble recipe. Thaw slightly, then blend with a dash of sweetener (if you like) for a luxe coulis to serve with dessert. The visual effect is as powerful as the health kick.
Organic farming is generally better for the land, being associated with techniques such as organic mulch, plant rotation and minimal synthetic pesticides. This translates to improved soil quality, and lower levels of land degradation. According to Mayo Clinic, organic fruits also have these health benefits:
- Slightly higher amount of nutrients, especially antioxidant-rich flavonoids
- Fewer toxic metals such as cadmium
- No detectable levels of pesticide residue.
Our fruit is sourced from dozens of certified organic suppliers in different countries, from Serbia to Peru. Standing behind all that growing, picking and packing is the tight-knit Pavlovic family cooperative, based in beautiful southeast Serbia. They have more than 10 years’ relationship with each grower, and are dedicated to year-round quality control and improvements – such as the technique of individually quick-freezing each piece of fruit, so it’s always easy to serve. The Pavlovic cooperative delivers their fine organic frozen fruit to retailers worldwide.